Thursday, February 19, 2009

Third Brotherism

For all of us reading through Tim Keller's The Prodigal God, Marvin Orlasky offers some application on being the "third brother." Check it out here.


Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog.
I feel like I have no one else to turn to right now for advice.
I know some mothers may go through this all the time.
Well, my daughter who is 21, moved out when she was 18. for the past 3 years she has been making up all kinds of untrue things about me, spreading them around town & all over the internet. She has brainwashed a few people making them believe the untrue things about me. She was always a good kid. Well, she became involved in this one group & that's when she started to change. My other kids know the things my daughter is saying is not true + my daughter's former friends know it, too.
I had to leave the church I was attended because of all of this.

Now she is married & had a baby a month ago. I never even saw my grandchild in person.
My daughter doesn't seem to want to make peace & I heard she has been diagnosed with bi polar.

She just won't stop all of this.
I have to post this anonymous for privacy reasons.

Has anything happened like this in your church or do you know anyone in my situation?


Danny Strong said...


I'm sorry to hear of these struggles with your daughter. I can't imagine the pain and grief this ordeal has inflicted upon you. Unfortunately, it would be very hard for me to help you in any profound way without knowing more details about the situation. My primary advice would be to seek out a godly, wise, and gospel loving pastor or counselor and seek their help. They can sit down with you and delve into your situation and lead you to grace and truth. I would also recommend, and this is just as important, finding a good church that preaches Christ and is a very loving community. Immerse yourself into the people of Christ, or as the Bible puts it the "body of Christ," and they will be a support for you. Whatever you do, do not seek to handle it alone. You need Jesus and his help, and he has given us his church to rejoice, console, weep, encourage, and rebuke us.

Having said that, I do pray that God will bring reconciliation between you and your daughter, that the lies will stop, and that you can see your grand baby real soon. Jesus was broken, bruised, and tortured, so that he can be our healer. My prayer is that he will bring healing to your family soon.

Grace to you,