The Reason For God - This is a great book for those more intellectually minded. Keller is pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian in NYC. He is known for his ability to reach those of a more secular, yuppy, and liberal culture. This books is both for the unbeliever and the believer. In the first part of the book Keller answers some of the toughest questions that people are asking about Christianity (e.g. "Does science contradict the Bible," "Aren't all religions equal," etc.). The second half is devoted to a sort of new spin on the gospel. It's all very orthodox, but Keller has a way of describing the gospel to modern people that both deeply convicts and excites.
The Prodigal God - Yes, another Keller book. I first heard his sermon upon which this little book is based and it opened up the gospel in a whole new way for me. For those of you in our church's small groups, know that we will be doing this book next.
ESV Study Bible - See the post below
To The Golden Shore - A rich, lively biography. Judson's story is truly amazing, and this book is very hard to put down. It reads almost like a novel, only it really happened.
Sir Gibbie - For kids and adults alike. George MacDonald's classic is delightful and convicting. My daughter and I couldn't stop reading it. The chapters are extremely short, which makes it more accessible for those lacking in attention span.
Keeping Holiday - Another great book to read with your children. Star Meade is able to weave an allegory of the gospel into this intriguing story in vein similar to that of C.S. Lewis.
Do Hard Things - Written by teenagers, but the Harris brothers are not your typical teenagers. The subtitle pretty much sums up the book: "A teenage rebellion against low expectations." Young or old, you'll find yourself wanting to do hard things after reading this book.
When Sinners Say, "I Do" - My wife and I have used this book in marriage counseling. This is not merely some good advice on relationships, nor a manual for marriage. This book does what most Christian and non-Christian books fail to do, point to the gospel. It is a book filled with hope and grace.
Humility - Written by a very humble guy, at least comparatively, Mahaney has written another deeply convicting book. His thesis is that pride is the root of all sin, so if you nip pride you getting the whole gamut. A very small and easy to read book.
Culture Making - If you are struggling as to how you can glorify God in your "secular" employment or hobbies, this book will be a great help. Culture making is what humans are meant to do, and Andy Crouch provides some deep insight on how we can do it better.
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