Saturday, September 13, 2008

American Narcissism

First, a parenthetical remark. This video is not intended to belittle the wake of destruction caused by hurricanes Ike and Gustav.

When I was in college I remember watching a news broadcast when at the end of a few reports the newscaster said something like, "Also in Guatemala there are reports of up to 16,000 people killed by mudslides. Now let's kick it over to sports." I was horrified. I went to chapel the next day (my school had a chapel you could attend every day) hoping that something would be said. If sixteen people would have been killed in any kind of American natural disaster, we would have been praying about it. Nothing was said. Nothing was ever said. This satirical video by The Onion, though hilarious, does reveal a sickening American narcissism. By the way, I don't think it is limited to one political party. The party more concerned with social justice in the world also fights against the loss of American jobs to foreign countries. But hungry people don't just need food. They also need jobs, which might help a bit with the food. The party that is willing to employ military intervention to bring democracy and freedom to other countries also seems fairly unconcerned about the tyrannies of Aids, malaria, and starvation. And virtually all Americans care very, very little about the Mexican poor on our own continent. Enough of the rant. Enjoy the video.

Hurricane Bound For Texas Slowed By Large Land Mass To The South

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