Saturday, September 4, 2010

Worship Music

Jeremy Pierce just can't stand some worship music. Here's why.


Anonymous said...

This guys seems very closed minded--Today's worship songs are beautiful and create an intimate time of worship with the Creator and His creations (us). It's okay If one would rather use a traditional/hymn style; but he needs to realize that contemporary/modern worship is an amazing gift from God. It he doesn't like it--fine--but by no means should he deface the style with false claims.

Danny Strong said...

Sorry Anonymous, but I think you missed the point. The article was a sarcastic portrayal of some arguments against modern worship music. If you clink on the links in each post, you will see that he cites Scriptural examples of the very thing he is pretending to criticize. So for example he criticizes worship music that focuses too much on instruments, but then links to Ps 150 which is all about how instruments are being used to worship God. It's all tongue in cheek.