Friday, May 28, 2010

Prayer Update

As many of you know, things have been quite out of whack in the Strong household. My wife, Jen, is expecting our fifth child and about two weeks ago was put on bed rest to prevent her going into pre-term labor. She has a history of that with all of our other children, and she was experiencing some early labor signs.

As of Sunday, Jen will have made it to 35 weeks! We've been praying for 36 weeks, so we are very close. For the last two weeks or so she has been on some meds that have pretty bad side effects (nervous, shaky, headache, heart-pounding, etc.). She'll be able to stop those on Sunday. Bed rest, however, will continue until next week.

All in all, it has been a great experience. I'm not trying to sugar coat or overlook the anxiety that Jen and I have both felt. But God has proven faithful time and again. He has answered our prayers continually. So many, especially our church, have aided us with prayers, meals, help with the kids, house cleaning, etc. Jen and I have both been learning that life in the slow lane (that is being unable to accomplish much of anything except the basic necessities) is a pretty good place to rest in the goodness of God. Our weakness shows his strength.

Thank you for all your prayers. Please keep them up. Our Father delights to hear them, and we appreciate the love for us that they express. When the dust begins to settle, I should be able to get back to some more faithful blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you all