Saturday, January 17, 2009

Death By Love

I have been reading this book by Mark Driscoll. It's turned out to be one of those books I don't like putting down. It is a powerful reminder of the power of the cross.


Anonymous said...

Wow...thats heavy. It’s easy to say that Jesus has done everything for us and is the answer to all. But finding and understanding the details of that truth and applying it to our lives is one thing, especially when the things we experience or do are so dark. I am very interested in this book. Let us know more about it as you read it, Danny.

Danny Strong said...

Will do. At least as much as time permits.

Anonymous said...

when i said "when the things we experience or do are so dark" i believe i didn't word that right. i have not experienced anything so dark as in the following stories. but i do believe that this understanding and being able to apply the crux of the cross to dark times will help some one to rely on Christ for strength and guidance. This also allows for some one to give guidance an answers to some one else that may be going through a dark time.

i have done some additional thinking. i believe this also gives a hint of just how radical God's love is. i can only imagine that the people who have gone through such times could have been feeling that God couldn't possibly love them after all they had endured or have done.