Saturday, September 27, 2008


Alright, if you haven't already watched the video from my last post, watch it now. Otherwise this will ruin all grand thoughts about music. Trust me. I want to post a challenge. A prize to anyone who can make it all the way through this video. And let me offer an advanced apology for the nightmare fuel.

Quick listen to this to get that tormenting tune out of your head. Contemporary Christian music, in my opinion, still has a long way to go, but thankfully it has already come a long way.


Anonymous said...

Are they mocking us?

Anonymous said...

Wow. What's my prize?

Danny Strong said...

Crazycouchman, no they are not mocking us. How I wish they were. Although the bass player kind of reminds me of someone.

Tom, about that prize. . . uh . . .