A few thoughts that struck me in this interview.
1) Bono's articulate faith - I don't want to oversell Bono on this (as you will see below), but I was pleasantly surprised that his passion for engagement on the issues of AIDS, world poverty, etc. are driven by his faith in the teachings of Scripture and personal faith in Christ. In fact, his biblical arguments for engagement are, I think, irrefutable. If you don't think so, then check out Isaiah 58 for yourself.
2) The need for the church - Good to hear Bono say that the church is a necessary ingredient in elevating the suffering in developing countries. I agree that such a mission will never get far off the ground in the US unless the church makes it an issue. Evangelicals are among the most generous Americans and are the leading suppliers for charities. And, as Bono said, the church has the power to set the moral climate on these issues for millions of people.
3) Bono's lack of need for the church - Here is where I get concerned for Bono. He recognizes the need for the church to curb the AIDS epidemic, but he doesn't seem to recognize any personal need for the church. In the interview, Bono points out that passages on helping the poor are second in number only to passages about personal salvation. I haven't done the numbers myself, but I assume he is correct and wouldn't be at all surprised if he was. But I am pretty certain that passages on the poor are a very, very distant second. That doesn't take anything away from the importance of these Scriptures, or that Bono is wrong to point out our negligence. But the church cannot forget what is number one. In answering why the church is behind, Bono noted evangelicals disdain for the immorality that causes AIDS and its historical reluctance to get into politics. I agree with both answers (and also that they are lame excuses), but there is a third. The church has a tremendously difficult time, and always has, on how to balance evangelism with social work, a struggle which is absolutely appropriate (albeit a sad excuse for inaction on issues like AIDS). I'm not sure Bono feels the tension. Nor does he seem to feel the need for Christ's body to be a significant part of his life. My prayer is that Bono would see the church as more than a strategic partner. That for him the church would be a source of partners in the journey of faith offering the embodiment of Christ's grace, teaching, forgiveness, encouragement, rebuke, and so forth.
4) The church's lack of desire for Bono. Bono's struggle with the church is a two way street. He said in the interview that he never had a problem with Christ only Christians. Bono, I'm sure, is not an entirely innocent party in the friction. Nevertheless, the Church seems all too eager to distance itself from the artsy, edgy, and hip among us. Especially if they show sympathies with "radical" views. Christians must draw lines in the sand. The uniqueness of Christ demands it. But Jesus never drew a line apart from himself (e.g. "no one comes to the Father except through me."). Jesus and only Jesus has ever been the true dividing line for Christians. To create another line is to elevate something to the unique status that Jesus alone deserves. To create another line, in others words, is not only unwise it is idolatrous.